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I am a PhD Candidate in GCCIS at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and work at Sappi-RIT Digital Innovation Lab. I am advised by Konstantinos Papangelis who is also a lab director at Niantic x RIT Geo Games and Media Research Lab and Vassilis-Javed Khan who is UX scientist at Sappi Belgium.
My research focus includes designing and evaluating visual analytics tools with user-centered design in work settings. My work advocates for coordinated machine learning experience for real-world decision-making processes building upon core principles of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). I also investigate and evaluate the UX of Human-AI Interactions.
I have masters and bachelors in software engineering. I am experienced in software development, data science, and visual analytics.
I am from a beautiful place on earth Mirpur Kashmir
You might find interesting to read some of my publications, or reach out to me by LinkedIn or email.
Journal Papers
- [J.6] Raees M et al. 2024. From explainable to interactive AI: A literature review on current trends in human-AI interaction. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. [Pre-print]
- [J.5] Khan KA, Dar SH, Fazilat S, Raees M, Ahmed A, Mir AA. 2022. An intelligent sentiment analysis system based on recent trends in machine learning. In Science International, Issue 34.3.
- [J.4] Raees M et al. 2021. Context-Aware Services Using MANETs for Long-Distance Vehicular Systems: A Cognitive Agent-Based Model. In Scientific Programming
- [J.3] Raees M et al. 2020. Study of Software Quality Improvement through Reliability Metrics Models and Root Cause Analysis Program. In International Journal of Computer Engineering and Information Technology. VOL. 12, NO. 5, May 2020, 42–47.
- [J.2] Dar SH, Ahmed J, Raees M. 2016. Characterization of flexible wearable antenna based on rubber substrate. In Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl. IJACSA.
- [J.1] Riaz F, Shah SI. Raees M. 2013. Lateral Pre-crash sensing and avoidance in emotion enabled cognitive agent-based vehicle-2-vehicle communication system. In International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security. 5.2 (127).
Conference Papers
- [C.2] Muhammad Raees et al. 2023. Four Challenges for IML Designers: Lessons of an Interactive Customer Segmentation Prototype in a Global Manufacturing Company. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA 23). (32% acceptance rate)
- [C.1] Manzoor S, Ali N, Raees, M, 2022. Ancient coin classification based on recent trends of deep learning. In VIPERC2022: 1st International Virtual Conference on Visual Pattern Extraction and Recognition for Cultural Heritage Understanding. (41% acceptance rate)
Curriculum Vitae
Dec 2024 | | Case Study Paper accepted at ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'25) |
Aug 2024 | | I am joining NSF AWARE-AI Program as a Research Trainee |
May 2024 | | Paper accepted at International Journal of Human-Computer Studies |
May 2023 | | I defended my PhD Research Potential Assessment |
Mar 2023 | | Paper accepted at ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'23) |
Sep 2022 | | Paper accepted at Visual Pattern Extraction and Recognition for Cultural Heritage Understanding |
Aug 2022 | | I'm starting my PhD in Computing and Information Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rocehster NY, USA |
Jul 2022 | | Paper accepted at Science International |
Apr 2021 | | Paper accepted at Scientific Programming |
I sometimes write on technical stuff, visit my Medium profile to read more!
Exploratory Data Analysis
Unraveling the Story Within Your Dataset — Understand, clean, and prepare a dataset for modeling.
Multiple Y-Axis Graphs with Plotly
When a single y-axis is npt sufficient to represent data adequately, Multiple Y-axis graphs come to the rescue
Visualize Part of a Whole
A waffle chart is a engaging tool in data-viz, offering a unique perspective on proportions
Visual Analytics Recipe
Designing effective visualizations that accurately convey information can be a complex task